
It seems like I am a lazy blogger, when really I have just been super busy! I need to get into the habit of posting frequently, though.

Recently, I have not been able to produce many visual pieces because I have been working on websites and have gotten into videography.

The other day, I DID play with a few shapes and images from some pictures I had taken and put it up on Society6. Here’s the finished project.

The image in the circle is actually the background to another image, and was taken in a field of flowers. When I was manipulating this photo, I wanted to create something that felt”wanderlust-y” and made me feel good to look at it- like you were getting a peak into a whimsical moment. And I feel like I accomplished that.

It isn’t too often that I will really LOVE one of my own pieces but for some reason, I am very pleased with how this piece makes the viewer feel. You can purchase or just check it out in detail here.flower-fields-


Soul Searching

My latest piece of art is in line with my last surreal photography piece which focused heavily on hands and hair. I am still very interested in exploring the emotion evoked through hand gestures; emotions perceived without facial expression.Soul Searching


Out of the Blue

Good Monday Morning everyone!

So I’ve already gone on a run, fed my wonderful puppies (I actually make them meals…give me a break. I don’t have children haha) and had a great breakfast of my own 🙂

brown rice

steamed broccoli

handful of spinach

1/4 cup of organic pasta sauce

= YUM!

I’ve been feeling so fatigued and tired lately for no obvious reason and as a result have been taking photos around town and around my house. Yesterday, I had an idea to make a symmetrical photo of myself and my hair turning into this dark waterfall….kindof hard to visualize unless you’re in my brain. BUT even though I did not create that photo, I created another photo that was derived from that idea and it actually turned out pretty cool.


Let me know what you think!
